HYDRO SUD company was founded, created and promoted in Algeria and under Algeria laws and regulation on june 2011 in the city of Biskra by Mr Salim TROUDI.
The management of HYDRO SUD company has been entrusted to this day to Mr Abdelghani TROUDI.
Economic and social life being resolutely organized around date fruit cultivation as the main natural resource of Biskra region famous and known at national and international level, the original activity of HYDRO SUD was preliminary and mainly based on date fruit activity till the 90s when HYDRO SUD company, in the wake of Algeria’s opening to the market economy, decided to move towards logistics activities by creating LTS GROUP company ( logistics Transport Solution) by integrating and transforming HYDRO SUD company as subsidiary company in charge of construction activity.

Step by step HYDRO SUD company has acquired extensive experience in the field of construction but especially in that of building materials from which HYDRO SUD company has learned the market with its costs, its types, its chemical data, its origin and its applications to the point of being able to assist LTS GROUP in its cement import activities during the most of 2014-2018 years.
Moreover, after the global Covid-19 crisis which paralyzed the world of economy and industry, the Algerian cement market woke up with overproduction of cement which increased from 24 millions tons annually to 42 million tons because of an increase in production plants for such construction material which have pushed Algeria Government and Authorities to allow export operations of cement and clinker.
Always ahead of its time, HYDRO SUD company, with its multifaceted experience in the field of cement, has naturally no difficulty in becoming an exclusive cement and clinker export company among the giants of the profession with which HYDRO SUD company often has ahreements supply of cement and clinker intended for exportg with the largest producers in the country, mainly and particularly the dozen cement factories subsidiaries of the large public group GICA ( Industrial Group of Algeria Cements).


Today, HYDRO SUD company has acquired total recognition and respect from its peers. Its professionalism, its know-how, its mastery of mechanisms and and standards in sea-transport, in land transport, in loading operations ,in international finances and banks regulations, in full Algeria main ports.
From the point of view of international events and exhibitions linked to the cement and to the most of raw materials. of construction, HYDRO SUD never fails to participate in each of its where the contacts of the profession multiply from the trader to the banker through the shipowner, the producer , the shipbroker and the shipping agent.
HYDRO SUD is one of the main sponsors of lntercem Conference at the muliti-annual event accross the different cities of the world.
Hydro Sud company and its staff management are aware that the cement and full construction materials production and export activities is not immune to profound transformations due to the environmental constraints currently underway in the world and that consequently a new challenge will arise and that HYDRO SUD company will successfully recover as usual
These Numbers testify to our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, further solidifying our position as a leader in the industry. We take pride in our journey and look forward to continuing to deliver outstanding products and services.